My Dream or Loneliness never walks alone
The movie is a phantasmagorical excursion into the depth of the soul, a revue-like dealing with the forces of the conscious and subconscious, and the loneliness of its Protagonists lost in life, produced as a colorful potpourri of our media landscape. From silent film to talk show, from computer game to educational television – with a critical wink, director Roland Reber not only leads the MAN through his thoughts but also the audience through the mass media entertainment culture. The MAN flees from the perpetual repetitions of his life. From the expectations of his surrounding, from the imposed responsibilities of his standardized life, from the constraints and situations he created himself. One day he packs his bag and leaves. He leaves his WIFE, who keeps on reproaching, leaves the LOVER, who feels used, flees from his MOTHER, who is still interfering in his life, from his deceased FATHER, who is affecting his life even out of the grave, goes away from the jokes of his FRIEND and the old German views of his GRANDFATHER. All of them leave only one way out to the MAN – the dealing with himself. GODOT hosts the MAN for this one night. During their nightly roaming through the waste of the city and the garbage of life, from crumbling buildings to sewer and garbage dump, the MAN tries, together with GODOT – sly and philosophical like Shakespeare’s Fools – to figure out the rules of human existence in general and of the being together of the genders in particular, searches to name the destination of his so far aimless escape from and to himself. On this journey through the night, the garbage of life and the waste in his head, the MAN turns his inside out and lets his life pass in revue. Out of the darkness of his soul the characters of his life emerge in scraps of memories of his childhood, youth and adulthood, put in picture as a potpourri of our media landscape, from silent film to talk show, from computer game to educational TV.
Starring Wolfgang Seidenberg, Mira Gittner, Marina Anna Eich
Director Roland Reber