My Breakthrough
Available on Tubi TV
An Inspiring story of courage, perseverance, and faith. Andrew Batterman (Samuel A. Gbadebo) is an aspiring actor living the American dream. He has a good job, a beautiful house, a two-year-old daughter named Megan and a lovely wife named Gina (La’Shondra Johnson). Andrew’s outwardly perfect life unravels when his live-in babysitter, Niki (Lourgem Famador), suggests to Gina that he is in a secret relationship. The secrets of his relationship are destroying his family, causing his wife to lose trust in him and his friends to abandon him. Throughout it all, one question remains. “Can I Breakthrough?”
Starring Samuel A. Gbadebo, La'Shondra Johnson, Lourgem Famador
Director Granville Bailey