My Annoying Brother
Available on CJ ENM Selects
Doo-Sik (Cho Jung-Seok) is in prison for fraud. His younger step-brother Doo-Young (Do Kyung-Soo) is a promising judo athlete, but an injury during a competitive match causes Doo-Young to lose his eyesight. Doo-Sik appears in front of the parole board and uses his step-brother's injury to plead for his release. Doo-Sik gets his release on the condition that he takes care of Doo-Young for 1 year. Doo-Young lives alone in his family's home. Both of his parents passed away. Since losing his eyesight, Doo-Young has shut himself away from the world. His former judo coach Soo-Hyun (Park Shin-Hye) is the only one that still keeps in contact with Doo-Young. After 15 years, Doo-Sik suddenly appears back at home and the two brothers begin to live together again…even though they hate each other.
Starring Cho Jung-seok, Do Kyung-soo, Park Shin-hye
Director Kwon Soo-Kyung