Michelle Obama: First Lady of Style

The First Lady of the United States of America is exposed to just as much of the media spotlight as her husband, even if she doesnʼt have political or philanthropic aspirations. The image they project as a couple can reflect on the party they represent, and whether you agree with it or not, the face the First Lady shows to the world is one that is frequently commented on and judged, by both the political and fashion arenas alike. In the recent past, Americaʼs First Ladies - Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush - have favored conservative pantsuits, and dark colors. But when the US voted in its first African American president in Barack Obama; more than history was destined to be rewritten. His wife, Michelle broke with White House tradition in ditching the tailored suits and muted tones of her predecessors, opting instead for bright colors and softer lines. She also showed that her style isnʼt dictated by labels or designers, by shopping at Gap and Target, a fact that has endeared her to the working class public. Americaʼs First Lady is renowned for her irreverent style, turning up to meet the Queen of England in a black cardigan, which was criticized by the Brits for being too informal. She appreciates good clothes, but doesnʼt spend too much money on fashion, preferring to dress to her strengths, which are a healthy, toned figure and a glowing complexion that looks good against a palette of bright and unusual colors. Despite the occasional fashion faux pas, though, Michelle Obama has become one of Americaʼs newest style icons. Women over the age of forty in particular, look to the First Lady for ideas in style for an elegant but unique twist. She likes to highlight up and coming designers like Jason Woo, which is the best advertising you can wish for! Michelle Obama will probably be remembered most for her willingness to wear clothes from unknown designers to important events, and for veering away from the bulky, conservative and some say, masculine style of Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush and marching to the beat of her own drum, ala another famous and beloved First Lady – Jacqueline Kennedy.
Michelle Obama, Gemma Considine