Magnolia's Hope

When three-year-old Magnolia Tesler was diagnosed with a rare disease, her parents didn’t know what to do. This intimate documentary follows the Tesler family as they spring into action in an effort to cure their daughter from a rare, debilitating disorder. An ordinary and healthy baby, she was crawling, talking, and hitting all her milestones. But around the age of two, she started developing mysterious symptoms: balance issues, hand wringing, speech loss, and rocking for hours in her crib. Her parents, AJ and Jenny, were desperate for answers. After taking Maggie to numerous specialists, they got a heartbreaking diagnosis: Rett Syndrome. Spanning eight years and told through home videos, vlogs, animation, and interviews, “Magnolia’s Hope” is a raw, first-hand account of a family struggling to cope with a child’s special needs through therapies, clinical trials and everything in between.
Magnolia Tesler, Jenny Tesler, AJ Tesler
A.J. Tesler