Available on Disney+
MADU follows the story of Anthony, a young boy from Nigeria who has always loved to dance, though this isn't socially acceptable for boys in his hometown. When an Instagram video of him dancing goes viral, a private dance school discovers him and invites Anthony to come live and study in the UK. His family can barely afford basics, and though they'll miss him dearly, they see this as a huge opportunity for him. Anthony moves to the UK, where he experiences some culture shock, and it takes time for him to find his footing. Slowly, he begins to make friends and feel at home at the English boarding school -- so much so that a visit home is tense when he no longer knows where he fits in. Meanwhile, Anthony's vision is slowly fading in one eye due to an infection from childhood, and he worries this could impact his career as a dancer.
Director Matthew Ogens, Joel Kachi Benson