Madness, Farewell

The holidays have arrived in Los Angeles where fledgling comedian Liza Ocampo is determined to commit suicide. Unable to pull the trigger herself, she hires a newly legalized "hit man firm" to do the dirty work for her. But when she arrives for her date with death, she finds the appointment has been double booked. Now finding herself locked in a room with another suicide hopeful, Gus Francis, the two are forced to bide their time together as they both wait to die. With their last 24 hours unfolding before them, they become intent to enjoy them and make an escape back out into the world. As the imminent moment draws closer, their histories are revealed and their futures are reconsidered. But the question remains: can you cheat death? It’ll take a miracle, and hopefully this holiday season grants them one. Or two.
Charlene deGuzman, Benjamin Font, Brandon Keener
Benjamin Font