Eleven-year-old orphan, WOODY, dreams of a better life -- and his absent mother who may or may not be in North Carolina fighting drug addiction. He also reveres his uncle VINCENT as the father figure he never had. A street hustler and former drug dealer, Vincent's fresh off an eight-year stint in prison and wants a new direction. When Vincent bypasses his nephew's school one day and offers to show Woody how a man handles his business, Woody jumps at the opportunity to join his uncle on a field trip of life lessons. With a foreclosed warehouse property, Vincent plans to open his own crab shack restaurant. However, when he is denied a bank loan the legitimate way, the temptations of Vincent's old life working for Baltimore crime boss MR. FISH return to haunt him. A day once bright with optimism quickly spirals downward into a world of violence. Coming of age all too fast by day's end, Woody starts to doubt his hero and ultimately must decide where he stands.
1 hr 34 min
Common, Michael Rainey Jr., Dennis Haysbert