Looking for David

Three days after his 30th birthday, a mother finds her son, David, a beloved actor, writer, producer, musician, and community organizer, dead from a prescription opioid overdose. We follow her story, as she interviews friends, family, and others, and begins to understand how it is that addiction has seeped into every neighborhood, and the ripple effects of her son’s death. David's mother, the filmmaker, interviews many of David's actor/filmmaker friends, including best friends Patrick Fugit (ALMOST FAMOUS, GONE GIRL, OUTCAST) and Kenny Riches (writer/director THE STRONGEST MAN), and David's partner Ashly Burch (Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'). In a powerful interview, she speaks with the doctor who was responsible for putting David on the path to addiction. Writer/Director Lauren Wolkstein wrote about the film: 'Your openness and willingness to explore grief is unlike anything I have ever seen before--profound and touching.'
Ashly Burch, Patrick Fugit, Mike Gioulakis
Betsy L. Ross