From the get-go it was obvious that this was going to be nothing less than a triumphalist coronation of indie's latest pin-ups.And the response to their eventual appearance was as expected – riotous. Especially as they opened with the full-throttle Young Chasers.The song provided a template for the night, and for the band as a whole. The boys from Liverpool are in many ways a contradiction. They are a throwback, yet still manage to sound incredibly fresh. They are also skillful, particularly in the guitar playing department, but give the impression they are not even trying.They know what they are good at and they do it well. Short, breezy songs which leave you feeling nothing but uplifted.Good For Me and So Long are also great examples.There were more melodic moments such as Talking Out Loud and My Love.But the likes of Stuck In My Teeth and Get Away sent the crowd into delirium again.'T-Shirt Weather, T-Shirt Weather' they chanted during the encore, compliment indeed to their best known song as they willed them to come back and play it, which they did to great acclaim.A fun night was had by all with the entire crowd leaving on a high.