Liberty's Secret

Liberty Smith (Jacléne Wilk) is a small-town, all-American girl: she’s a preacher’s daughter, straight-A student, and aspiring Christian Pop singer. So when a struggling career politician needs a bridge to his conservative base in “real America,” the young Midwestern ingénue is the perfect surrogate. But when Liberty falls in love with Washington spin-doctor Nicole Levine (Cara AnnMarie), their campaign goes way off message. Smart, sexy, and sophisticated, beautiful Nicole turns Liberty’s world upside down, and her heart inside out. Now Liberty must choose between the life she has always known, and the love she's dreamed of. Sweet, moving, and wryly satirical, Liberty’s Secret is a good old-fashioned lesbian movie-musical for the whole American family!
Jaclene Wilk, Cara AnnMarie, John Lepard
Debbie Williams, Andy Kirshner