Leon's Fantasy Cut
George and Iggy know they are destined for great things. The two brothers, first generation Ukrainian Americans, still live in the same provincial neighborhood where they grew up. George is a wannabe business scion festering in a cell phone store. Igal is a small-time pot dealer and an aspiring Rap mogul. They are stuck together in a suffocating studio apartment, and are constantly at each other’s throats, but they are convinced that their situation has to be temporary. George meets Ella, a hipster transplant and sees her as his key to a life outside the neighborhood. Meanwhile, Iggy is convinced that Yuriy, a promising rapper he is “managing, ” will be his ticket to a life of luxury if he can just get his music to the right person. But they both learn that the American Dream is pretty elusive these days.
Starring Josh Barclay Caras, Jon Valde, Ella Rae Peck
Director Josh Barclay Caras, Jon Valde