Legacy of Love
Available on Tubi TV
Lindsey, a high school student looking forward to the future talks with her Mom, at a fami-ly dinner about her upcoming dance. This is the last time Lindsey sees her Mom. A Police Officer delivers the news that she was killed in a tragic accident. Devastated, the family doesn't know what to do to continue on without her. Lindsey spirals out of control, angry and lost. Her father, confused about how to help her, convinces her to attend a grief sup-port group. After months of attending the support group, Lindsey starts to find balance and hope. She makes friends, comes to understand that everyone goes through loss in their life. Suddenly she's confronted with her best friend telling her that her mother has end-stage cancer. Lindsey secretly helps her friend's Mom prepare a video for her daughter to have once she passes. This inspires her to help others. Lindsey shares her ideas for helping others with the support group. She explains she wants to create a non-profit to help people leave messages behind for their loved ones to have after they are gone. Though some are skeptical, they get behind herin the idea and launch the non-profit "Legacy of Love". Lindsey finds her purpose, healing her loss through helping others.
Starring Johnny Alonso, Allison Meister, Erin O'Brien
Director Ranelle Golden