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Lying deep in the heart of the Mekong Delta, a small rural village offers a quaint, peaceful life to those who wish to call it home. Living undisturbed by the rest of the world, the villagers have always been curious when the odd stranger happens to pass through but none has ever piqued their curiosity more than Lu Huynh (Quang Tuan). Claiming to be a shaman and healer, Lu Huynh quickly gains the attention and admiration of the villagers after miraculously healing the local ill.  Enticed by Lu Huyn’s “miracles” and enraptured by his charm, Soi (Hoang Yen Chibi), a local deaf-mute, finds herself drawn to the stranger. Undeniably pretty, Soi soon catches Lu Huynh’s eye and the attraction felt between them soon blossoms into something more. Married not long after, Soi is perfectly content to live out her lifelong dream of domestic bliss, but that dream soon turns into a nightmare after she uncovers her husband’s dark secret. A phrenetic believer of Kumanthong, a fanatical sect of witch doctors who use human sacrifices and the conjuring of the dead to invoke dark magic, Lu Huynh’s quest for immortality has turned him into a psychopathic serial killer. Realizing she could very well become his next victim, will Soi find a way to reveal the truth and stop her husband before he strikes again? Based on a true story, “Kumanthong” is a 2020 Vietnamese horror thriller film directed by Le Binh Giang.
Starring Hoang Yen Chibi, Nsut Le Thien, Thanh Tu Nguyen
Director Lê Bình Giang, Phan Gia Nhat Linh