Two British nationals are killed by a ferocious man eating tiger in Orbit National Park in India. This incident follows several other tiger attacks, and many deaths result, prompting National Geographic to send a correspondent, Krish Thapar, to the national park and ascertain what really happened. Thapar is accompanied by his wife Riya. A group of youngsters, consisting of Dev Malhotra, Ishika, Sajid and Vishal, on a hunting trip also arrive in Orbit National Park in the hopes of sighting and shooting some big prey. Both the Thapars and the youngsters meet with each other, and seek the guidance of a local called Kaali after he saves them from a streak of tigers. On their way out from the national park, some of the members of the group are mysteriously killed. Kaali tells them about a recent story of how hunting was destroying the jungle. One local guide got very upset by this and started leading tourists astray and getting them killed by tigers. When this started affecting the tourism, other villagers and local guides beat that guide and threw him to the tigers. The local villagers now believe that his ghost is killing everyone who breaks the jungle's rules.