Jonny's Sweet Revenge

In a last ditch effort to save their struggling relationship, Rick and Reni twist their couples’ counseling into a plot that would see them return to their roots as petty criminals. The couple rob a bar called “Jonny’s Sweet Revenge, ” a long forgotten Los Angeles watering hole in a rotten end of town best reserved for California’s idiosyncratic daytime drinking crowd. As their haphazard scheme to hold up the bar goes horribly wrong, the couple’s troubled relationship gives birth to a theater of the absurd. The duo manages to draw the bar's patrons into the chaos as accomplices leading to accidental murder, finger pointing, and boundless anxiety. Locked inside this bar, a handful of off-beat characters including two LA detectives/hopeful Hollywood actors round out an ensemble that not only wonder if they’ll survive the day, but if they can all survive one another.
Kacy Owens, Jeff Lorch, Bradley Fowler
Mark David