Jillette Johnson - First Date

We've had our eyes and ears peaked ever since we first heard Jillette Johnson surface from the depths of the internet a few years ago. Since that time we've seen the pianist/singer-songwriter conquer the promotional hell-scape that is SXSW and turn in one of our favorite moments at Bonnaroo. We've dusted words on her brilliance across the site ever since, so we seized on the opportunity to invite her by one of our Bands and Brews Sessions when it became a possibility earlier this summer. Held in the basement of our West Village party pad with plenty of Kraken Black Spiced Rum ready to be slurped up on hand, Jillette and her cohort Matthew Pynn hushed the lively crowd with compelling exposes on love and life from her 2013 release, Water in a Whale. Get to know an artist we feel whose time has clearly come in this powerful new performance on Baeble.