Jakob Jentgens, Alexander Niermann, Marlon Bösherz, Max Wehner, Lukas Sziegoleit, Jörg Buttler, Tom Hellenthal - Botticelli Baby - jazzahead!

The international trade fair, exhibition and festival jazzahead! is one of the most important events in the jazz community. Hosted annually in Bremen, Germany, it brings together musicians, bookers, agents, organizers, jazz experts, and music enthusiasts. In 2019, jazzahead! pays special attention to Norway by selecting 40 jazz acts from all over the world and inviting them to perform over the course of three days. One of them is the German band Botticelli Baby, that plays swinging old school jazz that will make you want to dance. With a refreshing disrespect for musical traditions, their steamy performances of contemporary classics, the seven-piece ensemble rocks audiences all over Europe.