Available on Prime Video, Tubi
The screen version of the A.P.Chekhov's play. The story of the Russian intellectual of the beginning of XX century, who is choking among a society full of platitude. The protagonist of this story - Ivanov - is the person who bears misfortunes to all who surrounds him. His presence, like the inexplicable misfortune, pulls down another's destinies. Ivanov isn't even in peace with himself, and he can't find harmony. You will see new well-known characters, you will be surprised that did not think of it earlier, and at last, you will be simply dumbfounded by the ending. Starring Aleksey Serebryakov and Anna Dubrovskaya. Prize Cine-Club Federation of Russia, Russian program : new feature films films, Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF).
Starring Anna Dubrovskaya, Vladimir Ilin, Eduard Martsevich
Director Vadim Dubrovitskiy