It's Dark Here
“It’s Dark Here” is a true story that revolves around the Tennies’ Family, and the horrific events that took place in their life. The film is about the closeness of the family unit, and the pain that they all endure as a result of their son Jason’s sudden Schizophrenic break. The film illustrates the reality of mental illness, which takes over their son, Jason Tennies, played by Bubba Lewis. It displays what happens to countless families going through the same agony. The film is told in an electrifying, artistic fashion with Jason’s music beautifully displayed throughout. It is a majestic movie that will leave audiences with a deeper understanding of mental health issues. The cast includes William Mapother as Jason’s father David Tennies, and Illeana Douglas as Jason’s mother, Linda Tennies. It is a true story that needs to be told, and will resonate with generations to come.
Starring Bubba Lewis, Illeana Douglas, William Mapother
Director Adam Coplan