In the Wake of the Flood
On the eve of her 70th birthday, Canadian writer Margaret Atwood set out on an international tour criss-crossing the British Isles and North America to celebrate the publication of her new dystopian novel, "The Year of the Flood." Rather than mount a traditional tour to promote a book's publication, Atwood conceived and executed something far more ambitious and revelatory: a theatrical version of her novel. Along the way she reinvented what a book tour could (and maybe should) be. But Atwood wasn't selling books as much as advocating an idea: how humanity must respond to the consequences of an environmentally compromised planet before her work of speculative fiction transforms into prophesy. Atwood's odyssey is now captured in Ron Mann's new film, IN THE WAKE OF THE FLOOD. Rendered as fly-on-the-wall cinema verite, IN THE WAKE OF THE FLOOD mixes new footage, archival materials and evocative animation to feature Atwood on the road and at home as an aging but buoyant literary rock star spreading a message of warning and hope as she staged and participated in this novel production.
Starring Margaret Atwood
Director Ron Mann