Hip-Hop Storm

This is story about two generations of hip-hop dancers."I'm 34 and still dancing. I'll dance until I win," says Alun. Dancing is his life; it's in his blood. During the 90's, when Taiwan was just liberated from authoritarian rule, and despite disapproving looks and pressures from a traditional society, Alun formed the first Taiwanese hip-hop group, "The Party". Due to various reasons, the group eventually disbanded and the members went their separate ways. But for Alun, the hip-hop journey continues because for him "as a dancer, I have to challenge myself otherwise I'll always have regrets."Mingling with Alun's uphill battle is the story of another dance group from the streets of Taipei called "Undergradu-eight," was formed by a group of high school students. Born in the 90's generation and half Alun's age, this new generation of hip-hop dancers doesn't suffer from the pressures of society's disapproving eyes. Instead, they are supported by the enthusiasm for pop culture and encouraged by everyone around them.In 2008 Alun participated in Juste Debout – a worldwide street dance competition in Paris, and "Undergradu-eight" took part in an upcoming hip-hop competition. Will there be a happy ending? Do they care? Because hip-hop is about the spirit! So, all they have to do is just keep dancing!
阿伦, YÅ
Su Che-hsien