Her Best Move
Available on ScreenPix, Prime Video, Tubi TV
High school is crazy enough, but for 15-year-old Sara Davis (Leah Pipes), it's about to get even crazier. A national caliber soccer prospect, Sara plays on the best U-19 team in California. She dances through her opponents to make impossible shots on goal - skills honed by training with her father, Gil (Scott Patterson), a woman's soccer coach. But this success has come with a price - Sara has sacrificed her interest in dance, photography and, of course, boys. Sara's mother Julia (Lisa Darr) struggles with Gil's drive to perfect Sara's playing as she guides her daughter through the trials of adolescence. Encouraged by her best friend Tutti (Lolaine) to jump-start her life outside soccer, Sara makes up for lost time. From hi-jinks in the chemistry lab and adventures in "Delilah's Garden" to tender moments in the darkroom and anguish at her prom, Sara learns more about herself with each passing day. And while she relishes her freedom on the soccer field, Sara's renewed connection with her mother leads her to question the athletic path that Gil has set out for her. When Gil learns that Sara has a shot at becoming hte youngest player on the U.S. National Development Team, he pushes her even harder. Her hopes of performing in the dance recital and exploring a relationship with Josh (Drew Tyler Bell), a hunky, yet shy reporter on the school newspaper, are shoved aside. With National Team scouts watching every shot, Sara faces the challenge of discovering who she is before making the best move of her life.
Starring Leah Pipes, Drew Tyler Bell, Scott Patterson
Director Norm Hunter