Heidi Fleiss the Would-Be Madam of Crystal
Available on Prime Video, Hulu, Max
Once upon a time, Heidi Fleiss had a dream: to make millions running a high-price escort service in Hollywood. Ten years and one jail sentence after that dream died, Heidi has another one: to open the first and only legal brothel catering exclusively to women, filled with a stable of studs willing and eager to satisfy every girl's fantasies. Can the former 'Hollywood Madam' find happiness and success in a state where prostitution is actually legal? Not if her new neighbors in Crystal, Nevada have anything to do with it. This documentary paints an unflinching portrait of Heidi as she makes this ill-fated attempt to bring her own unique twist to the sex business.
Starring Heidi Fleiss, Anthony P. Brooklier, Larry King
Director Fenton Bailey, Randy Barbato