Harry and Meghan: A Windsor Wedding

Great Britain is rejoicing as a new royal wedding is once again on the horizon. Prince Harry, fifth in line to the throne, finally announcement his engagement to American actress Ms Meghan Markle on November 27th 2017. The big day will be in the spring of 2018… and the venue… the spectacular Windsor Castle. In the lead up to this momentous occasion this program will explore how these two unlikely lovers were brought together, how they became to be the most talked about couple in the world and how they will shape the future of the British monarchy. Discover what it will take for Markle to join the British royal family, with and intense introduction to royal life. Prince Harry’s future bride is set to undergo training with the SAS so that she is fully prepared for all situations. Her life as she used to has now has changed forever. This show features the complete first ever public interview of the couple together to the English press on 27th November 2017, it also features testimonials and interviews from the people who know them the best. Join us as we celebrate the engagement of Harry and Meghan
Jordan Hill