Hannah Takes the Stairs
Available on Prime Video
Over the course of one hot post-graduate summer, Hannah (Greta Gerwig), falls precariously in and out of love. A breaker of hearts and chronically dissatisfied, she finds herself drifting away from her newly unemployed boyfriend (Mark Duplass) and drawn to two of her co-workers, Matt (Kent Osborne) and Paul (Andrew Bujalski). Conceived without a traditional script, this triumph of improvisional acting was born from intimate collaboration between director Joe Swanberg and his cast, which is made up of some of today's most important up and coming indie filmmakers. Alternately heartbreaking and hilarious, and featuring stunning naturalistic performances, Hannah Takes the Stairs is a delicate look at friendship, ambition and the pursuit of happiness that heralds the return of a truly independent form of American moviemaking. From IFC.
Starring Greta Gerwig, Kent Osborne, Andrew Bujalski
Director Joe Swanberg