Gold Fever

Goldcorp Inc arrives in a remote village in Guatemala. Soon follows blown up mountains, despoiled water supplies and broken promises of jobs. Dynamic and beautiful, this doc is a powerful look at the reality of gold miners digging in the 3rd world. "We have opportunities to expand in almost every direction. That won't be a problem." A Goldcorp official says to the workers of the mine. But for Crisanta, who refused to sell up her land, it was a problem. "They had surrounded the house...they started throwing gasoline brother's entire body was in flames." As Russell, a pro-community campaigner points out, the problem is: "the high cost of gold internationally and the low cost of mining. It's worth their while to just clear-cut the whole freakin' mountain." While the plundering of Cristanta's land is going on, in the Gold hungry nations of the world, the real value of gold is being debated: " We're not gonna eat gold, we're not gonna bathe with gold, we're not gonna drink gold." But Goldcorp, the self-styled, "lowest cost, fastest growing, unhedged mining company in the world", recently announced profit growth of 72% off the back of mines like Marlin Mine. With Goldcorp accused by its own internal report of "failing to respect the right to water" the UN requested for the mine to be closed down. But in unclear circumstances the order was overturned. For the locals like Crisanta, it's a devastating blow, their torture endures: "The company has worn a great sadness into our hearts."
Noam Chomsky, James Anaya, David Korten
J.T. Haines, Tommy Haines