Globe Trekker - Israel & The Sinai Desert

Justine Shapiro's journey through the Holy Land begins in Tel Aviv where she joins the Israeli population celebrating the start of Shabbat. Traditionally Friday night is spent with the family, but Justine finds there's a thriving clubbing scene in Israel's capital.
The first leg of her journey takes her north of Tel Aviv to the holy city of Safed where she learns about Jewish mysticism and spends time working with other travelers on a kibbutz near the Golan Heights.
When Justine arrives in Jerusalem, it is the beginning of Easter and Passover. She follows the way of the cross and observes a Bar Mitzvah ceremony taking place at the Western Wall. She then journeys on to Hebron, capital of the Occupied West Bank, which is under curfew due to terrorism attacks. She meets a young Arab student who explains about life for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.
Justine is taken on a tour of Masada, Israel's most spectacular archaeological site and learns to abseil in the stunning Judean desert.
She crosses the border into the Sinai Desert and buys Bedouin veils and a keffiyah at markets in Al-Arish, before venturing south down the coast to Sharm el-Sheikh. Here, Justine scuba dives in the Red Sea amongst some of the world's most brilliant and amazing underwater scenery and meets travelers in tents along the beaches of Dahab.
Justine takes a camel trek with the Bedouin people and enjoys their famous hospitality in a small tent community. She ends her journey at Mount Sinai, the place revered by Christians, Jews and Muslims who all believe that this is where God delivered the Ten Commandments to Moses.