Friends and Heroes Bible Adventures: Vol. 4, The One That Got Away/Doing Our Part

The Bible comes alive for children and the whole family! In Part 1, The One that Got Away, while Macky and the girls are minding the shop, a petty thief steals a silver fish with vital information to the rebel movement engraved on it. Can the gang get the fish back? Through their adventures and retelling of their people’s stories – Peter and John heal a lame man and Shadrach and the Furnace – we learn the importance of doing right and keeping true. In Part 2, Doing Our Part, it’s Purim time, and while Macky, Sollie and the kids act out the story of brave Queen Esther, Diana too shows courage as she tries to lead destitute refugees through the dangerous streets, and recounts the tale of Joseph of Cyprus (Barnabas) to her Roman jailor. Through our friends’ exploits and the retelling of these stories, we understand how important it is to be brave, and to be generous.
Austin Di Iulio, Sarah Gadon, Tony Daniels
Dave Osborne