Fox2-O : A Water Quality Documentary

Our film, Fox2-O, puts an objective lens on the past, present, and future of one of our most important assets in our region- the Fox River. Northeast Wisconsin is home to a winding watershed ranging from Crandon, WI and eventually flowing outward to the Bay of Green Bay. It was really the Fox River that brought people here in the first place, and those were native peoples. They were here to fish, and to use the transportation on the river to get around. It was the river that brought the first settlers here; furs and trading. It was ultimately the river that brought our first industry here; Mills that were running lumber. It is that Industry that propelled the first round of economic development, growth, and prosperity in this region. The mills and industry of the Fox Cities were able to make a lot of money because of the power provided by the river, most notably because the river took their waste away for free. But we've realized now, there was no free, and the river paid the price. When we don't acknowledge the value of things, we take it for granted. This film allows us to talk to people about how much we paid to clean it up; about how easy the progress could be lost again. When you have assets, treasures like the Fox River, you must realize that once they are gone there is no coming back. Our film explores the major contributors to the river's well being and provides solutions for the future. Produced by Shaman Motion Pictures independently.
Joshua Murphy, Daniel Gartzke