Five Savage Men

Michele Carey plays Alice, the gentle young school teacher who is the only survivor of an attack by outlaws on the stagecoach she is riding. They see her as a delicious bonus and bring her back to their hideout. By turns, this sadistic gang viciously taunts and torments her, finally leaving her for dead. An Apache chief, named Chatto, finds her and gently nurses her back to health. But in the process, her memory of torture and sadism at the hands of the gang turns her into something of a savage herself bent on revenge. With Chattos help she tracks down four of the Savage Men and kills them. Then she comes face to face with the fifth. The dramatic and explosive climax contains a surprising turn of events. This is a solid story of what violence can do to the gentlest of souls.
Henry Silva, Keenan Wynn, Michele Carey
Ron Joy