Fish Wars

The seas of the Asia Pacific stand as one of the last major centres of marine biodiversity in the world. But the vast carbon footprint left in the ocean has led global fisheries experts to demand drastic action. If that doesnt happen, they warn, all that that will be left in our oceans will be jellyfish. Meanwhile, a war is being waged. Illegal fishing has robbed Indonesia of an estimated $3.2bn in losses from poaching. Corrupt military forces do little to combat the trawlers, taking bribes and selling fake licenses to foreign poachers. Indonesia's coral reefs help to support one of the largest marine fisheries in the world, generating 3.6bn tons of fish each year. At stake here is not just the livelihood of a region, but also the future of one of the worlds greatest marine areas. We follow marine biologists from the WWF fighting to not just to protect, but to rebuild the oceans. This is a war for fish, for nature, and for the planet.