Factory on Ice

Have you ever dreamed about famous hockey career in the NHL? All small boys did in Litvinov. That's the reason why 23 NHL players, 8 olympic and 4 Stanley Cup champions were raised here. And you know their names. Ivan Hlinka, Martin Rucinsky, Jiri Slegr, Robert Lang and others. They all was born here. Let's see how Factory one ice works. Sometimes it's funny, because Litvinov is a rough town near the German border, home to a big chemical plant. You can find places in the Czech republic, where life is easier but more players go to the NHL from here than from 10 million New York City. The feature movie about unique hockey club shows the European professional hockey backstage and open hearts of a local supporters. Welcome to the city where hockey means more.
Jiří Hošek
Adam Sušovský