English Skeet&Sport Shooting

Skeet & Sport Shooting as a discipline offers the widest variety of targets requiring the greatest amount of skill. In this program we join a predicted future world champion, Carl Bloxham and performance enhancement specialist, Phil Coley. Filmed on location at Edge Hill Shooting Grounds near Banbury, England, this program covers the very essence of this traditional and extremely popular sport. We join Carl and Phil on a typical coaching day - young guns and older shots. Here you will learn how useful the skeet range can be in improving your shooting skills, follow-through, and gun swing through continuous repetition. Discover expert tips and tricks about holding the barrel, mounting the gun with the target, and various issues regarding shooting discipline. Learn techniques for handling incoming and overhead shots. Learn to shoot rabbit, quartering, and crossing targets, and much, much more. Snow, hail and sunshine, gusty squalls, and clear blue skies—this is English Sport Shooting at it’s best.
Carl Bloxham, Phil Coley
Liam Dale