AVATÂRA, ALEJANDRA and EUGENIA - three Spanish female dance artists in their 30s, that follow very different ways of life with dance as their passion. EL SÉPTIMO SENTIDO. I am a dancer. Von der Kunst zu leben - a dance documentary that accompanies these three passionate female Spanish danceartists across Europe, focusing on the question: What is the value of Art in our current times of crisis and shortenings? AVATÂRA (choreographer), EUGENIA (ballet teacher) and ALEJANDRA (dancer) talk about the decision to either leave home and building up a new life in UK or Germany or staying in Spain and also starting from zero. A movie about friendship, passion, coherence and lonesome struggles, depending on each other to survive as artists, the desire to have a home and the absolute will to be perceived. A very personal insight against the background of the current unstable situation in Europe.
Starring Avatâra Ayuso, Alejandra Bañjo, Eugenia Morales
Director Silke Abendschein