Do What You Love: Kjersti Buaas Story
Available on Prime Video, Plex
The documentary “Do What You Love” tells a retrospective story about four time Olympic Norwegian Snowboarder, Kjersti Buaas. This 90 minute film includes the highest quality cinematography, infused with 8mm film and raw footage captured by Kjersti herself. Her 15 year long ongoing journey on the international snowboard tour, her first World Championship win, major injury setbacks, close friendship with fellow competitors, her Olympic bronze medal and multiple XGames podiums. Kjersti is one of few athletes in the world to successfully transition from the halfpipe to the slopestyle arena. From early childhood in Trondheim, Norway Kjersti was attracted to the playfulness and freedom that snowsports had to offer. This story gives a diverse perspective of an athlete who has always been committed to following her heart and doing what she loves. Through her travels we get to watch her find a deeper connection to herself, resulting in a passionate connection to health, the environment and nutrition. Empowered by her new lifestyle Kjersti is now one of the oldest competitors in the history of competitive snowboarding and she continues to reinvent herself and celebrate her successes with her friends on the podium. Get to know Kjersti through multiple interviews with family, coaches, mentors and fellow Olympian competitors Stine Brun Kjaldaas, Jamie Anderson, Silje Norendal and Sarka Pancochova.
Starring Kjersti Østgaard Buaas, Elin Østgaard, Eldar Buaas
Director Chanelle Sladics