Dirty Love
Available on Tubi
Behind Every Good Woman Are A Lot of Bad Men In the slapstick comedy, Dirty Love, Jenny McCarthy is gorgeous, goofy, and gross all at once in this hilarious take on one woman's chaotic quest for true love. It's a knowing, funny, trashy, guilty pleasure in the spirit of your favorite gross-out comedies, only this time it's through the eyes of one of America's favorite cover girls: Jenny McCarthy. Rebecca (Jenny) is devastated when she comes home one night to find her supermodel boyfriend engaged in acrobatics with another woman in their bed. To mend her broken heart, she takes a strange and wild trip of funny dating encounters. With the help of a bossy psychic and her off-beat friends (including Carmen Electra and American Pie's Eddie Kaye Thomas), Rebecca finds that the path to true love is right in front of her.
Starring Jenny McCarthy, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Carmen Electra
Director John Asher