Defense of the Realm
From the prominent British producer David Puttnam comes this highly charged tale of murder, intrigue and political corruption. Nick (Gabriel Byrne) and Vernon (Denholm Elliott) are two reporters. They receive an anonymous tip-off that a political scandal is about to break. MP Dennis Markham (Ian Bannen), a friend of Vernon’s, has been photographed leaving a call girl’s flat, and two hours later an East German military attaché is photographed going in. Whilst Nick delves into Markham’s affairs, Vernon is interested in a different angle. When Vernon suddenly dies, Nick begins to realise the story goes far deeper than anyone imagined and that Vernon knew too much. This leads him to realise that someone does not want the truth to be discovered, someone with much power and influence... With Greta Scacchi, Fulton MacKay, Bill Peterson, David Calder, Frederick Treves and Robbie Coltrane.
Starring Gabriel Byrne, Greta Scacchi, Denholm Elliott
Director David Drury