Dancetime: German Lineage in Modern Dance

The pioneering Film, DANCETIME: GERMAN LINEAGE IN MODERN DANCE celebrates the legacy of modern dance that started in Germany before World War I and expanded into new dimensions in the United States in the late 20th century. The influence of this complex and compelling heritage has spanned decades and spread to diverse areas globally. This intriguing film presents solos by innovators and artistic heirs of German Expressionist Dance, or Ausdruckstanz. Works of each choreographer are highlighted through solos, narration and original photographs. The film features the following choreographies: Mary Wigman’s Witch Dance and Swinging Landscapes (Germany), excerpts from Dore Hoyer’s Affectos Humanos (Germany), Hanya Holm’s Homage to Mahler (Germany > U.S.), Alwin Nikolais’s Tribe, (U.S.), and Murray Louis’s Figura ( U.S.).
Betsy Fisher
Betsy Fisher