Cool It

With the implementation of a carbon tax hovering overhead like a dark cloud – Cool It is a bold and refreshing look at the bigger picture. Investigating the ‘hot topic’ du jour - elucidating current environmental circumstances and the impact of global warming, Cool It shakes up the debate and presents an engaging argument against widespread alarmist theory, questioning whether the world is in fact doomed to environmental catastrophe. Taking one of the world’s foremost environmental revisionists, bestselling author of ‘The Skeptical Environmentalist’, Bjorn Lomberg as its key subject and master proponent, Cool It presents a compelling platform for alternative thinking – an engaging right of reply to Al Gore’s provocative Oscar winning An Inconvenient Truth. Considered “an environmental heretic” by some and a breath of fresh air by many others, the Danish born academic boldly presents his controversial theories to tackle climate change with optimism and energising compassion, maintaining that: "Fear has been ruling the environmental debate...Global warming is real – it is man-made and it is an important problem. But it is not the end of the world." Featuring an impressive array of academics and environmental theorists such as Paul Reiter, Freeman Dyson and Richard Lindzen and weighting the debate with archival footage of high-profile celebrity environmentalists such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Larry David and David Duchovny, Cool It pushes the ‘Feel Good versus Do Good’ argument to new heights and, in searchingfor a solution, poses the ineluctable question: Are we saving the world or just burning money?
Bjørn Lomborg
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