Comedy of War
Months after Russia invades Ukraine, the conflict continues with no end in sight. Ukrainian citizens are forced to find a new normal under the constant constriction of war. Four burgeoning stand-up comics utilize comedy to reconcile the challenge of resuming routine life while living in an embattled state. Drawing inspiration from their daily life, they build provocative comedy routines providing witty, biting, and poignant commentary on war, their country, and resistance. As an act of rebellion against Russian forces, they take their tour on the road, traveling to theaters, shelters, and the frontlines to deliver joy and comfort to their countrymen. This timely documentary offers a unique perspective on a story currently playing out on the global stage. Its intimate access to ordinary citizens creates a stark but thoughtful profile of life in wartime, where, despite the atrocities, everyday life continues. The subjects' brave comedy is a balm to injured spirits, and their indomitable.
Starring Anton Tymoshenko, Hanna Kochehura, Vasyl Byduck
Director Christopher Walters