Club Paradise
A tremendously funny all-star cast is assembled by director Harold Ramis ("Analyze This," "Caddyshack") to populate "Club Paradise," a free-wheeling Club Med-style resort where a sun-filled, fun-filled time is guaranteed for all. Oscar-winner Robin Williams ("Happy Feet," "Night at the Museum") runs the place -- or does it run him? -- playing host to the eccentric guests and the none-too-saner employees, not to mention the baffled locals. Featuring Oscar-honoree Peter O'Toole ("Venus," "Lawrence of Arabia"); Eugene Levy ("For Your Consideration," "A Mighty Wind"), Rick Moranis ("Little Shop of Horrors," "Ghostbusters"), Andrea Martin ("The Producers," "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"), '60s supermodel Twiggy ("The Blues Brothers"), "Saturday Night Live" alumni Mary Gross ("A Might Wind"), Robin Duke ("Multiplicity") and Brian Doyle-Murray ("Groundhog Day"), and reggae legend Jimmy Cliff, whose music provides the beat to the island fun.
Starring Robin Williams, Peter O'Toole, Jimmy Cliff
Director Harold Ramis