Climate Crisis: Flooding

Over the years, planet Earth has gone through many natural cycles. Today the world is changing once again, but this time mankind is accelerating the cycle. As the climate warms, heavier rainfall plus sea level rise are creating bigger and more devastating storms and flooding. The dramatic series of extreme weather events that have shaken America, Europe and Asia in the summer of 2021 has caught the world’s attention, as they brought a seemingly endless round of flood disasters across the world. As flood risk rises, so does the risk to the populations. It is an increasingly dangerous and expensive problem. A growing number of communities are finding themselves underwater, and rising tides and floods could wash away major coastal cities like Miami, New York or even London, and millions of people’s homes. The climate crisis is here. And we need to act fast, or there will be catastrophic consequences for people and the planet on which we depend.
Greta Thunberg
Roxane Schlumberger