Christmas Crossfire

In CHRISTMAS CROSSFIRE, Sam is an American Literature professor in town for a conference. While drinking in a bar, he meets Edda, who challenges him to a vodka shot drinking contest. They immediately hit it off, and after Edda spends the night with Sam in his minibus, she convinces him to skip the conference and go on a road trip with her to her hometown, where she hasn't been in five years. After stopping off in the middle of the woods, Sam hears shouting and screaming, and goes to check it out, against Edda's wishes. In the woods, Sam sees a man on the verge of getting shot at point-blank range in what looks like a mob-style killing. Sam stops the murder, but immediately becomes a target himself, and disappears into the woods. Edda ventures off in search of Sam, but soon is accosted by one of her hometown's police officers, who becomes sexually aggressive before she kills him with his gun. As Sam does everything he can to elude capture, helped and hindered by the man whose life he has just saved, he soon makes it to Edda's hometown. As Edda returns to see her family, including her father who is the mayor of the village, both Edda and Sam have learned why Hermann, the man who's trying to murder Sam, is on the warpath with henchmen who are also the village firemen, and it involves Hermann's seductive wife, who has been having affairs with other men, including the man he tried to kill in the woods. While Hermann's attempts at crime on all levels have proven to be bumbling and incompetent, Edda and Sam must find a way to stop him before he actually starts killing people, and somehow enjoy what's left of Christmas.
Kostja Ullmann, Alli Neumann, Detlev Buck
Detlev Buck