Chabad Centennial Symphony

Immerse yourself in an incredible philharmonic journey spanning 300-years of Chabad-Chassidic musical masterworks, captured live by Emmy-Award winning video and audio directors. Performed before an audience of 2,000 in Manhattan Center, the history making musical tribute was described as “A Brilliant and Breathtaking Celebration!” -- Dudu Fisher; “Deeply Satisfying” --- Mordechai Ben Daivd (MBD); Simply spectacular!” --- Michael Isaacson/Israel Pops Orchestra. Highlights include the performance of international Chassidic star, Avraham Fried, who gives an emotionally-laden rendition of some of the most powerful and moving melodies in Chabad's illustrious repertoire, as well as the debut performance of the Russian-Jewish folk group 'Nikolayev Kapeliah', plus a “Behind the Scenes” featurette.
Chabad Centennial Symphony