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Powerful, hot-tempered workaholic real estate developer Holden Downs (Nick Mancuso) struggles with an environmental injunction, which threatens to halt the construction of his dream project. When a rookie car thief tries to steal Holden’s precious Porsche, Holden grabs a tire iron and breaks the kid’s arm. But the thief’s older brother, Robert, holds a grudge, and not even Holden’s beefed-up car security is a deterrent. Seeking revenge, Robert breaks into the Porsche, only to be held hostage in it by Holden. Now it’s a battle of wits and suspense as the roles between captive and prisoner switch back and forth as vengeful natures cause tragic confrontations in this dangerous game of cat and mouse.
Starring Nick Mancuso, Andrew Divoff, Linda Hoffman
Director Peter Liapis