Call of the Wild

Unlike the 1935 film version of Jack London's 1897 novel Call of the Wild, which devoted most of its running time to a romance between Clark Gable and Loretta Young, this 1976 TV-movie version wisely remains faithful to the source. The star is a magnificent dog—part St. Bernard, part German shepherd—which is kidnapped from its home in California and spirited away to the Yukon. The dog is sold to two greenhorn prospectors who name the animal "Buck". Though faithful to his new masters, Buck shows inclinations of succumbing to the "call of the wild" and running off into the woods at any moment. James (Deliverance) Dickey adapted the London novel for this TV version, which was filmed in the Sierra Madres and the Grand Tetons.
John Beck, Bernard Fresson, John McLiam
Jerry Jameson