Call Boy
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Despite being a full-time university student, Ryo Morinaka (Tori Matsuzaka) spends most of his days bored out of his mind. Trapped in an uneventful life, Ryo feels like he has no real sense of purpose and often wonders if that will ever change. Not even his part-time work at a bar can provide any sort of break from the monotony of his boring life; at least not until his friend, Shinya Tajima (Yu Koyanagi) introduces him to one very intriguing woman. As the owner of an exclusive members-only escort service catering specifically to women Shizuka Mido (Sei Matobu) isn’t your normal, everyday woman. Interested in hiring Ryo, Shizuka provides him with a very intimate test before bringing him on full-time. After receiving an in-depth evaluation of his performance, Ryo takes the job. Though he feels a bit embarrassed at first, he quickly realizes that fulfilling women's desires provides him with a very real sense of purpose. Learning to converse and connect with women on a deeper level, while being kind, considerate, and gentlemanly, Ryo finds that his life is no longer a vapid waste of time. Working in a profession surrounded by taboo, can Ryo find the fulfillment he desperately craves? Adapted from the novel of the same name by Ira Ishida, “Call Boy” is a 2018 Japanese film directed by Daisuke Miura.
Starring Tori Matsuzaka, Sei Matobu, Ami Tomite
Director Daisuke Miura