
The frontier was gone, the Indian way of life all but dead. For Chaddock, the frontiersman, his way of life was over too. With his Indian wife dead, he must now think of his 10-year old son, Akii. Chaddock has accepted a job as the territorial marshal for Montana. On arriving just outside the town of Gloryhole, they meet the Cody family that is preparing to move West to Oregon. Rep Marlowe has blocked off water to the south and the homesteaders. Chaddock says he will open the dam and the Codys decide to stay -- for the time being. In town Chaddock and Akii find Sheriff Tangley making his morning patrol of the streets. The night before Tangley lost all the money he had made to Rep Marlowe in a poker game. When Rep Marlowe and Patch, a hardened gunman who earned his name by the leather patch that covers his left eye, hear the name of Chaddock, they are ready and anxious to kill him. Chaddock refuses to run away from his duty. After a bloody gunfight, Chaddock, with the aid of the Cody's young son, manages to open the dam. In the morning, Marlowe and his henchmen line the street in order to kill the marshall. Chaddock is surprised to find himself aided by Patch, who sees a lot of Marlowe in himself, Doc, Travis, Perkins, a shop keeper, and Sung Li, the Chinese laundryman. Then the gun battle begins...
Barry Sullivan, Joan Caulfield, Wendell Corey
Michael Moore