Born to Fight
Available on Prime Video, Tubi TV
OFFICIAL SELECTION TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FANTASTIC FILM FESTIVAL 04 Deaw (Chumpong Changprung) is a Special Forces police officer who witnesses his partner and friend murdered in a drugs bust that went terribly wrong. Feeling disheartened with his life as a protector he decides to join his sister and a troupe of elite athletes on a government sponsored charity event close to the borders between Burma and Thailand.Everything was going well. Deaw was once again happy and fulfilled until....A group of guerillas armed with a nuclear missile take over the sleepy village holding it hostage. The ransom, the release of General Yang one of the worlds most wanted drug lords. The clock is ticking, can Deaw and the athletes rescue the village from the mercenaries? Can they save Bangkok from the imminent nuclear threat?
Starring Dan Chupong, Noppol Gomarachun, Suntisuk Phromsiri
Director Panna Rittikrai